Improve your guitar playing technique as a whole, focus on how to navigate the guitar neck better, or learn to build chords from scale shape etc. Our own range of guitar techniques, resources and exercises during guitar lessons will help develop your ability to achieve your full potential

At Nottingham Guitar Lessons, we don’t believe that the same approach works for every student who comes through the door. For starters, some students will be more accomplished and might need challenging in their technical ability, and some will need to start by working on their musical understanding, and learning how to navigate the neck of their guitar before being comfortable enough to move on to more difficult exercises.
Our guitar tuition method has to be perfectly tailored to each individual, encouraging them to challenge themselves and stretch their capability. To enable us to do that, we have developed a completely unique set of techniques to help you learn more effectively. These range from simple chord shapes and picking patterns, through to exercises that will have you picking out particular notes and intervals from scales and chord progressions and then using those to shape and phrase complex melody lines.
Whatever your ability is, we will make you feel comfortable and help you progress your musical understanding, not just the raw guitar techniques.
Rob is experienced in teaching all sorts of musical styles. His personal favourites are blues and rock, because they are so influential on all kinds of different genres. The blues in particular is a really valuable teaching aid as the theory is quite simple but applies to almost anything from pop songs through to metal.
If you’d like to try out our One to One lessons, book in for a guitar lesson with Rob by calling on 07312 258907, or visit our Contact page. Lessons are available at £20 for 45 minutes, or half an hour for £16.